Tour Manager of the Week: Lynette Marr
CONGRATS, LYNETTE! You’re Tour Manger of the week!
Lynette has been a Tour Manager at Nowak Tours since June 5, 2013. Prior to becoming a TM, she taught math, science, and social studies in her hometown of Orrville for 35 years. She also taught gifted and talented kids in the same subjects in grades 4-8. Her favorite destination to share with the students? Once again, DC. “Watching the eyes of first-time visitors to the city as they stand in front of the Lincoln Memorial and exclaim, “Wow, it’s sooo big!” is always a highlight of the trip. And no matter how many times I see the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, it is always moving and inspiring.”
Q: What is the funniest thing that has happened to you while on one of our tours?
A: The incident that was pretty amusing, at least for the group I was leading, involved being picked from the audience at a Blue Man Group performance in Chicago for the “Twinkie Date” skit. I spent 10 to 15 minutes on stage as the “date” for a dinner that included Twinkies, gifts, and a lot of laughs from the audience. Although I was mortified at being chosen, the experience was one of the highlights of my career as a tour manager!
Q: Do you have any advice for future Tour Managers?
A: Always act with confidence and kindness. Ask your guests for their input – it’s their trip and your job as a tour manager is to make it the best trip they have ever had! And treat your driver well. The relationship between the two of you is like a marriage – it takes both of you to make everything work!
Q: Any random thoughts or fun facts you would like to share?
A: I always love to stop at the Vietnam Women’s Memorial. Because most of my travelers are from northern Ohio, I point out that of the eight nurses who died in Vietnam, the only one killed as a direct result of enemy fire was Sharon Ann Lane, who was from Canton, Ohio. A wing of Canton Aultman Hospital, where she worked, has been named after her. I also use the panel with her name to show students how to find a name on the Wall.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, Lynette!